Tejas Rana

Mongodb an introduction for beginners

What is MongoDB?

MongoDB is an open source, document-oriented database designed with both scalability and developer agility in mind. Instead of storing your data in tables and rows as you would with a relational database, in MongoDB you store JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas.

There are hundreds of thousands of MongoDB deployments. Here are a few of the popular use cases.

  • Single View. Real-time views of your business that integrate all of your siloed data.
  • Internet of Things. 40 billion sensors. $19 trillion in revenue. You’re gonna need a bigger database.
  • Mobile. Ship killer mobile apps in weeks, not months. Scale to millions of users. Easy with MongoDB.
  • Real-Time Analytics. Lightweight, low-latency analytics. Integrated into your operational database. In real time.
  • Personalization. Greet your customers like old friends – so they’ll treat you like one, too.
  • Catalog. Catalogs change constantly. That’s an RDBMS nightmare. But it’s easy with MongoDB.
  • Content Management. Store and serve any type of content, build any feature, serve it any way you like. From a single database.
MongoDB stores data using a flexible document data model that is similar to JSON. Documents contain one or more fields, including arrays, binary data and sub-documents. Fields can vary from document to document. This flexibility allows development teams to evolve the data model rapidly as their application requirements change.
Developers access documents through rich, idiomatic drivers available in all popular programming languages. Documents map naturally to the objects in modern languages, which allows developers to be extremely productive. Typically, there’s no need for an ORM layer.
MongoDB provides auto-sharding for horizontal scale out. Native replication and automatic leader election supports high availability across racks and data centers. And MongoDB makes extensive use of RAM, providing in-memory speed and on-disk capacity.
Unlike most NoSQL databases, MongoDB provides comprehensive secondary indexes, including geospatial and text search, as well as extensive security and aggregation capabilities. MongoDB provides the features you need to develop the majority of the new applications your organization develops today.
With the launch of 3.0, MongoDB offers a pluggable storage engine API, with multiple storage engines already available. Select your storage engine based on your application requirements, and even mix storage engines within a replica set. MongoDB now provides 7x to 10x better write throughput, up to 80% compression, and 95% reduction in operational overhead

Source: https://www.mongodb.com/what-is-mongodb

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