Tejas Rana

10 reasons why choose BackdropCMS instead of Drupal

What is Backdrop CMS?
Backdrop CMS is a free and open-source content management system written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. Backdrop CMS is a fork of the Drupal project. The directory structure is like Drupal 8 but the code is similar to Drupal 7.
10 reasons why choose BackdropCMS instead of Drupal.

  1. Why spend a lot of time managing configuration using Features module. Backdrop includes built-in Configuration Management tools that allow us to deploy configuration across environments using JSON files, which should save a lot of time compared to Features.
  2. The backdrop is slightly faster than Drupal 7 out of the box because of it’s lighter core. Generally, it’s about the same speed as D7 but since D8 is slower than D7, Backdrop is faster than D8.
  3. The backdrop has a built-in Panels-like module (Layout) that replaces the old Block system. Blocks are given new powers like contextual information, advanced conditional selection, multiple instances, control over markup, and config-based settings.
  4. Responsive, HTML5 elements, and better mobile support out of the box.
  5. Updated libraries (e.g. new jQuery versions).
  6. Browse and install add-ons directly from your Backdrop site. No need to scour the internet for available modules, themes, and layouts.
  7. Basic module out of the box no need to install manually.
  8. More stable compared to Drupal 8.
  9. Major features from Drupal 8
  10. Advance Caching and memory optimization.

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